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DLC Rates in Rajasthan

In Rajasthan, DLC rates are referred to as District Level Committee Rates. In various Indian states, it is also referred to by other names, including Ready Reckoner Rate, Circle Rate, Guidance Value, Unit Rate, and Collector Rate. The DLC rates are the lowest rates at which stamp duty is calculated or the lowest value of the property at which the plot, apartment, house, or land is valued.

It has a direct bearing on the applicable stamp duty on the property, which has an immediate effect on real estate prices. These rates are different from personal rates. Personal rates are defined by you, the owner of the property or land, at how much you sell it for.

So why were these rates needed?

Let’s understand it with an example. You, as an owner, have a piece of land that you want to sell. Let’s say the property’s actual worth is around 50 lakhs but you’re selling it for only 30 lakhs for any reason. Whatever the case may be, be it because you’re selling it to a family member for cheap or because you need the money urgently, the rate at which you’re going to sell the property, in this case, 30 Lakh, is the personal rate of the land that, as the owner, you decided. Or another case, like you, bought a property worth 50 lakhs but mentioned it for 30 lakhs only in official papers.

Now in these cases, what will happen to the revenue of the remaining 20 lakhs? So, for this reason, the government decided to set a minimum price for the land at which they could charge stamp duty and registration. This way, they can prevent fraud and loss.

The DLC rates can be lower or higher than market rates. This value is decided every year.

DLC rates are subject to change depending upon market trends and prices. Since property prices vary depending upon the state, the previous minimum rate and the prevailing market trend are considered while determining a new rate.

These rates can be found on the official websites of the respective state governments. In our case, we will learn to check DLC rates in Rajasthan.

Steps to calculate DLC Rates in Rajasthan:-

Step 1:- Open in your browser. (Note that this domain may change with time if the government updates the site, so instead, you can simply search for “DLC rates Rajasthan” and open the first Rajasthan government site.)

Step 2:- Scroll down and you’ll see the “DLC rates (NEW)”. Click on that link.

DLC rates

Step 3:- Clicking on that link will open a page for the “Registration and Stamps Department, Ajmer“. On this page on the left side, you’ll see an options menu titled “Online Facilities.” In that menu, click on “DLC rate information“, which is the 3rd option in that menu.

Step 4:- When you click that option, it’ll open up a map of Rajasthan with all the districts. Click on the district you want to check rates for.

map of Rajasthan

 Step 5:- Then it will ask you to select your area. There will be two options. “Rural” and “Urban”. Choose the type of area you want to check the rates for. Then you’ll have to select between “SRO”, “Zone”, or “Colony”. If you select “colony,” it will ask you for the colony name. In the drop-down menu, select the colony name where you want to check the rates.

Step 6:- Click on “Show Result”

Step 7:- It will show a table with the fields “SRO Name”, “Zone”, “Colony”, “Type of land”, “Exterior”, “Interior”, “Unit”, “Plot-wise rate”, “Previous Rate” with the fields filled with your selection.

The numbers are shown under “Interior” and “Exterior” is the current DLC rates of the areas in Rajasthan. The unit is shown in the next column, and generally, it is shown per square foot.

Also Read- Procedure for the registration of Property, below.

These rates given under the “exterior” column are the rates for land that is directly next to a main road or highway. Similarly, rates for the interior mean the rates of property that lies away from the highway. The distance to be considered “far away” from the main road is 2.5 to 3 KM.